Studies on Fusarium solani: cross-reactivity among Fusarium species

Verma, J. ; Gangal, S. V. (1994) Studies on Fusarium solani: cross-reactivity among Fusarium species Allergy, 49 (5). pp. 330-336. ISSN 0105-4538

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Allergenic cross-reactivity among three Fusarium species (F. solani, F. equiseti, and F. moniliforme) was determined by crossed immunoelectrophoresis (CIE), ELISA inhibition, and immunoprint-inhibition analysis. Inhibiting immunoprint was used to assess the cross-reactivity of individual allergenic proteins in culture filtrate (CF), separated on SDS-PAGE. Dose-response inhibition of band 14 kDa in immunoprints of F. solani CF by antigens of F. solani CF, F. equiseti CF, and F. moniliforme CF demonstrated significant cross-reactivity of allergenic proteins on analysis of densitometric scans. CIE and ELISA inhibition using hyperimmune sera raised in rabbits against F. solani CF antigen also demonstrated shared antigenicity among Fusarium species. Collectively, this study revealed the presence of shared as well as unique antigenic and allergenic determinants in F. solani CF, F. equiseti CF, and F. moniliforme CF antigens.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology.
Keywords:Allergens; CIE; Cross-Reactivity; ELISA; Fusarium; IEF; Immunoprint; RAST
ID Code:10642
Deposited On:04 Nov 2010 06:41
Last Modified:01 Jun 2011 11:46

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