Peak effect in laser ablated DyBa2Cu3O7−δ films at microwave frequencies at subcritical currents

Bhangale, A. R. ; Raychaudhuri, P. ; Banerjee, T. ; Pinto, R. ; Shirodkar, V. S. (2001) Peak effect in laser ablated DyBa2Cu3O7−δ films at microwave frequencies at subcritical currents Journal of Applied Physics, 89 (11). pp. 7490-7492. ISSN 0021-8979

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In this article we report the observation of a peak in the microwave surface resistance (at frequencies ∼10 GHz) of laser ablated DyBa2Cu3O7−δ films in magnetic field ranging from 2 to 9 kOe (∥c) close to the superconducting transition temperature [Tc(H)]. The exact nature of the peak is sample dependent but it follows a general behavior. The peak shifts to lower temperature when the magnetic field is increased. It has strong frequency dependence and the peak is pronounced at frequencies close to the depinning frequency of the flux line lattice. From the observed temperature and field dependence we argue that this peak is associated with the order–disorder transition of the flux line lattice close to Tc(H).

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to American Institute of Physics.
ID Code:105161
Deposited On:25 Dec 2017 11:59
Last Modified:25 Dec 2017 11:59

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