Approximate string matching: a simpler faster algorithm

Cole, Richard ; Hariharan, Ramesh (2002) Approximate string matching: a simpler faster algorithm SIAM Journal on Computing, 31 (6). pp. 1761-1782. ISSN 0097-5397

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We give two algorithms for finding all approximate matches of a pattern in a text, where the edit distance between the pattern and the matching text substring is at most k. The first algorithm, which is quite simple, runs in time $O(\frac{nk^3}{m}+n+m)$ on all patterns except k-break periodic strings (defined later). The second algorithm runs in time $O(\frac{nk^4}{m}+n+m)$ on k-break periodic patterns. The two classes of patterns are easily distinguished in O(m) time.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
ID Code:102328
Deposited On:09 Mar 2018 11:27
Last Modified:09 Mar 2018 11:27

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