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Number of items: 34.

Subba Rao, B. R. (1981) Description of Ooencyrtus patriciae n. sp. from Nigeria (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) Reichenbachia, 19 (6). pp. 39-41.

Subba Rao, B. R. (1976) Description of a new species of Anthemus Howard (Hymenoptera : encyrtidae) parasitic on Diaspidiotus prunorum Laing (Coccoidea : diaspididae) with some new combinations and synonyms Journal of Natural History, 10 . pp. 685-689. ISSN 0022-2933

Subba Rao, B. R. (1976) Narayana, gen. nov. from Burma and some synonyms (Hymenoptera : Mymaridae) Oriental Insects, 10 (1). pp. 87-91. ISSN 0030-5316

Subba Rao, B. R. (1976) Narayanella, a new name for Narayana Subba Rao (hymenoptera : mymaridae) Oriental Insects, 10 (3). p. 352. ISSN 0030-5316

Subba Rao, B. R. (1974) Request for the suppression of Signiphora giraulti crawford, 1913 (Insecta, Hymenoptera) as type-species of Kerrichiella rosanov, 1965. Z.N.(S.) 2063 Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 31 (4). pp. 221-222. ISSN 0007-5167

Subba Rao, B. R. (1974) Four new species of Paracentrobia Howard, 1897 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) Mushi, 48 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0388-418X

Subba Rao, B. R. (1973) Description of two new species of Carabunia waterston (hymenoptera: encyrtidae) Oriental Insects, 7 (4). pp. 485-489. ISSN 0030-5316

Subba Rao, B. R. ; Rai, P. S. (1969) Studies on the Indian species of the genus Coccophagus Westwood, 1883 Journal of Natural History, 3 (3). pp. 381-392. ISSN 0022-2933

Subba Rao, B. R. (1969) Two new species of Poropoea forster from the orient with a key to species (Hymenoptera : Trichogrammatidae) Oriental Insects, 3 (4). pp. 319-325. ISSN 0030-5316

Atma, Ram ; Subba Rao, B. R. (1967) The description of Goniozus stomopterycis N.SP., (Bethylidae: Hymenoptera), a primary larval parasite of Stomopteryx nerteria (Meyrick) in South India and a revised key to oriental species of Goniozus foerster Bulletin of Entomology . pp. 1-6.

Subba Rao, B. R. (1965) Records of known and new species of Mymarid parasites of Empoasca devastans distant from India Indian Journal of Entomology, 28 . pp. 187-196. ISSN 0367-8288

Sharma, A. K. ; Farooqi, S. I. ; Subba Rao, B. R. (1965) The biology of Tetrastichus rhipiphoro thripscidis Narayanan, Rao et Rao (Eulophidae : hymenoptera), a parasite of Mallothrips indicus Ramakrishna Mushi, 38 . pp. 117-122. ISSN 0388-418X

Rao, Subba B. R. ; Parshad, Baldev ; Ram, Atma ; Singh, R. P. ; Srivastava, M. L. (1964) On some new records of parasites of Hypera postica (Gyllenhal) (Coleoptera : Curculionidae) Current Science, 33 (21). pp. 658-659. ISSN 0011-3891

Narayanan, E. S. ; Subba Rao, B. R. ; Thontadaraya, T. S. (1962) Effect of temperature and humidity on the rate of development of the immature stages of Apanteles angaleti muesebeck (braconidae : hymenoptera) Proceedings of the National Institute of Sciences of India, 28B (2). pp. 150-163. ISSN 0370-0860

Narayanan, E. S. ; Subba Rao, B. R. ; Rao, Ramachandra M. (1962) Some new species of chalcids from India Proceedings of the National Institute of Sciences of India, 26B (4). pp. 168-170. ISSN 0370-0860

Subba Rao, B. R. ; Sharma, A. K. (1962) Studies on the biology of Trioxys indicus Subba Rao and Sharma 1958, a parasite of Aphis gossypii glover Proceedings of the National Institute of Sciences of India, 28B (2). pp. 164-181. ISSN 0370-0860

Subba Rao, B. R. ; Bhatia, S. K. (1961) Liodontomerus indicus new species (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) a parasite of Systole Albipennis Walker The Indian Journal of Entomology, 23 . pp. 125-127. ISSN 0974-8172

Rao, Subba B. R. ; Chacko, M. J. (1961) Multiparasitism by aholcus euproctiscidis mani and trichogramma evanescens minitum riley in the eggs of euproctis lunata walker Current Science, 30 . pp. 69-70. ISSN 0011-3891

Narayanan, E. S. ; Subba Rao, B. R. (1961) Studies on Indian Mymaridae III (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) Beitruge zur Entomologie, 11 . pp. 655-671. ISSN 0005-805X

Narayanan, E. S. ; Subba Rao, B. R. ; Thakere, K. R. (1961) The biology and some aspects of morphology of the immature stages of Chelonus narayani Subba Rao (braconidae : hymenoptera) Proceedings of the National Institute of Sciences of India, 27 B (2). pp. 68-82. ISSN 0370-0860

Narayanan, E. S. ; Subba Rao, B. R. (1960) New species of encyrtid and braconid parasites The Indian Journal of Entomology, 22 . pp. 75-79. ISSN 0974-8172

Narayanan, E. S. ; Subba Rao, B. R. (1960) Super-, multi- and hyperparasitism and their effect on the biological control of insect pests Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India - Section B: Biological Sciences, 26B (Supple.) . pp. 257-280. ISSN 0369-8211

Compere, Harold ; Subba Rao, B. R. ; Kaur, R. B. (1960) Two species of Encyrtidae parasitic in the pink mealybug of sugarcane in India — [Hymenoptera] Proceedings of the National Institute of Sciences of India, 26B (1). pp. 45-50. ISSN 0370-0860

Narayanan, E. S. ; Subba Rao, B. R. ; Sharma, A. K. (1960) A catalogue of the known species of the world belonging to the subfamily Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) Beiträge zur Entomologie, 10 . pp. 545-562. ISSN 0005-805X

Sharma, A. K. ; Subba Rao, B. R. (1959) Description of two new parasites of an aphid from North India (Aphidiidae: Ichneumonoidea and Pteromalidae: Chalcidoidea) Indian Journal of Entomology, 20 . pp. 181-188. ISSN 0367-8288

Narayanan, E. S. ; Subba Rao, B. R. ; Katiyar, R. N. (1959) Population studies on hadrophanurus species (scelionidae : humenoptera), egg parasite of bagrada cruciferarum kirk, on maize (zea mays) at Karnal Proceedings of the National Institute of Sciences of India, 25B (6). pp. 315-320. ISSN 0370-0860

Subba Rao, B. R. ; Sharma, A. K. (1959) Trioxys (trioxys) indicus, new species, a parasite of aphis gossypii Glover Indian Journal of Entomology, 20 . pp. 199-202. ISSN 0367-8288

Muesebeck, C. F. W. ; Subba Rao, B. R. (1959) A new braconid parasite of Hymenia recurvalis (Fabricius) Indian Journal of Entomology, 20 . pp. 27-28. ISSN 0367-8288

Narayanan, E. S. ; Subba Rao, B. R. ; Sangwan, H. S. (1958) Host and parasite specificity in certain insects The Indian Journal of Entomology, 20 . pp. 306-307. ISSN 0974-8172

Subba Rao, B. R. (1957) Some new species of Indian Eulophidae The Indian Journal of Entomology, 19 (Part I). pp. 50-53. ISSN 0974-8172

Subba Rao, B. R. (1957) The biology and bionomics of Lestodryinus pyrillae kieff. (Dryinidae : hymenoptera) a nymphal parasite of Pyrilla perpusilla walk., and a note on its role in the control of Pyrilla Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 54 . pp. 741-749. ISSN 0006-6982

Narayanan, E. S. ; Subba Rao, B. R. ; Patel, G. A. (1957) A new Pteromalid genus from India The Indian Journal of Entomology, 19 . pp. 200-203. ISSN 0974-8172

Subba Rao, B. R. (1955) A new species of Chelonus on Heliothis armigera (Fabricius) The Indian Journal of Entomology, 16 . pp. 63-64. ISSN 0974-8172

Subba Rao, B. R. ; Sharma, A. K. A further contribution to the knowledge of the taxonomy and biology of aphididae (Ichneumonoidea: Hymenoptera) with particular reference to Indian forms The Indian Journal of Entomology, 26 . pp. 458-460. ISSN 0974-8172

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