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Number of items: 83.

Shaikh, Latif ; Pandit, Aniruddha ; Ranade, Vivek (2011) Crystallisation of ferrous sulphate heptahydrate: experiments and modelling Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering . No pp. given.. ISSN 0008-4034

Sardeshpande, Madhavi V. ; Juvekar, V. A. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2011) Solid suspension in stirred tanks: UVP measurements and CFD simulations Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 89 (5). pp. 1112-1121. ISSN 0008-4034

Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Nere, Nandkishor K. ; Rane, Chinmay V. ; Murthy, B. N. ; Mathpati, Channamallikarjun S. ; Patwardhan, Ashwin W. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2011) CFD simulation of stirred tanks: comparison of turbulence models (Part II: Axial flow impellers, multiple impellers and multiphase dispersions) The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 89 (4). pp. 754-816. ISSN 0008-4034

Naren, P. R. ; Ranade, Vivek. V. (2011) Scaling laws for gas-solid riser flow through two-fluid model simulation China Particuology, 9 (2). pp. 121-129. ISSN 1672-2515

Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Nere, Nandkishor K. ; Rane, Chinmay V. ; Murthy, B. N. ; Mathpati, Channamallikarjun S. ; Patwardhan, Ashwin W. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2011) CFD simulation of stirred tanks: comparison of turbulence models. Part I: Radial flow impellers The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 89 (1). pp. 23-82. ISSN 0008-4034

Sardeshpande, Madhavi V. ; Juvekar, Vinay A. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2010) Hysteresis in cloud heights during solid suspension in stirred tank reactor: experiments and CFD simulations AIChE Journal, 56 (11). pp. 2795-2804. ISSN 0001-1541

Kulkarni, Amol A. ; Ranade, Vivek V. ; Rajeev, R. ; Koganti, S. B. (2009) Pressure drop across vortex diodes: experiments and design guidelines Chemical Engineering Science, 64 (6). pp. 1285-1292. ISSN 0009-2509

Sardeshpande, Madhavi V. ; Sagi, Aparna R. ; Juvekar, Vinay A. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2009) Solid suspension and liquid phase mixing in solid-liquid stirred tanks Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48 (21). pp. 9713-9722. ISSN 0888-5885

Sawant, Subhash Shivram ; Anil, Arga Chandrashekar ; Krishnamurthy, Venkat ; Gaonkar, Chetan ; Kolwalkar, Janhavi ; Khandeparker, Lidita ; Desai, Dattesh ; Mahulkar, Amit Vinod ; Ranade, Vivek Vinayak ; Pandit, Aniruddha Balchandra (2008) Effect of hydrodynamic cavitation on zooplankton: a tool for disinfection Biochemical Engineering Journal, 42 (3). pp. 320-328. ISSN 1369-703X

Kasat, G. R. ; Khopkar, A. R. ; Ranade, V. V. ; Pandit, A. B. (2008) CFD simulation of liquid-phase mixing in solid-liquid stirred reactor Chemical Engineering Science, 63 (15). pp. 3877-3885. ISSN 0009-2509

Utikar, Ranjeet P. ; Harshe, Yogesh M. ; Mehra, Anurag ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2008) Modeling of a fluidized bed propylene polymerization reactor operated in condensed mode Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 108 (4). pp. 2067-2076. ISSN 0021-8995

Kulkarni, A. A. ; Ranade, V. V. ; Rajeev, R. ; Koganti, S. B. (2008) CFD simulation of flow in vortex diodes AIChE Journal, 54 (5). pp. 1139-1152. ISSN 0001-1541

Mujumdar, Kaustubh S. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2008) CFD modeling of rotary cement kilns Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 3 (2). pp. 106-118. ISSN 1932-2143

Kulkarni, A. A. ; Gorasia, A. K. ; Ranade, V. V. (2007) Hydrodynamics and liquid phase residence time distribution in mesh microreactor Chemical Engineering Science, 62 (24). pp. 7484-7493. ISSN 0009-2509

Chaudhari, Amit S. ; Rampure, Mohan R. ; Ranade, Vivek V. ; Jaganathan, Rengaswamy ; Chaudhari, Raghunath V. (2007) Modeling of bubble column slurry reactor for reductive alkylation of p-phenylenediamine Chemical Engineering Science, 62 (24). pp. 7290-7304. ISSN 0009-2509

Mujumdar, Kaustubh S. ; Ganesh, K. V. ; Kulkarni, Sarita B. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2007) Rotary cement kiln simulator (RoCKS): Integrated modeling of pre-heater, calciner, kiln and clinker cooler Chemical Engineering Science, 62 (9). pp. 2590-2607. ISSN 0009-2509

Utikar, Ranjeet P. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2007) Single jet fluidized beds: experiments and CFD simulations with glass and polypropylene particles Chemical Engineering Science, 62 (1-2). pp. 167-183. ISSN 0009-2509

Chaudhari, Raghunath V. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2007) Camure-6 & ISMR-5 symposium in pune, india Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 46 (25). p. 8291. ISSN 0888-5885

Naren, P. R. ; Lali, A. M. ; Ranade, V. V. (2007) Evaluating EMMS model for simulating high solid flux risers Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 85 (8). pp. 1188-1202. ISSN 0263-8762

Rampure, Mohan R. ; Kulkarni, Amol A. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2007) Hydrodynamics of bubble column reactors at high gas velocity: Experiments and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 46 (25). pp. 8431-8447. ISSN 0888-5885

Gunjal, Prashant R. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2007) Modeling of laboratory and commercial scale hydro-processing reactors using CFD Chemical Engineering Science, 62 (18-20). pp. 5512-5526. ISSN 0009-2509

Dakshinamoorthy, D. ; Khopkar, A. R. ; Louvar, J. F. ; Ranade, V. V. (2006) CFD simulation of shortstopping runaway reactions in vessels agitated with impellers and jets Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 19 (6). pp. 570-581. ISSN 0950-4230

Buwa, Vivek V. ; Deo, Dhanannjay S. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2006) Eulerian-Lagrangian simulations of unsteady gas-liquid flows in bubble columns International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 32 (7). pp. 864-885. ISSN 0301-9322

Khopkar, A. R. ; Kasat, G. R. ; Pandit, A. B. ; Ranade, V. V. (2006) Computational fluid dynamics simulation of the solid suspension in a stirred slurry reactor Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 45 (12). pp. 4416-4428. ISSN 0888-5885

Ranade, V. V. ; Kumar, A. (2006) Comparison of flow structures in spacer-filled flat and annular channels Desalination, 191 (1-3). pp. 236-244. ISSN 0011-9164

Khopkar, Avinash R. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2006) CFD simulation of gas-liquid stirred vessel: VC, S33, and L33 flow regimes AIChE Journal, 52 (5). pp. 1654-1672. ISSN 0001-1541

Khopkar, A. R. ; Kasat, G. R. ; Pandit, A. B. ; Ranade, V. V. (2006) CFD simulation of mixing in tall gas-liquid stirred vessel: role of local flow patterns Chemical Engineering Science, 61 (9). pp. 2921-2929. ISSN 0009-2509

Ranade, Vivek V. ; Kumar, Ashwani (2006) Fluid dynamics of spacer filled rectangular and curvilinear channels Journal of Membrane Science, 271 (1-2). pp. 1-15. ISSN 0376-7388

Mujumdar, K. S. ; Ranade, V. V. (2006) Simulation of rotary cement kilns using a one-dimensional model Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 84 (3). pp. 165-177. ISSN 0263-8762

Jade, A. M. ; Jayaraman, V. K. ; Kulkarni, B. D. ; Khopkar, A. R. ; Ranade, V. V. ; Sharma, Ashutosh (2006) A novel local singularity distribution based method for flow regime identification: gas-liquid stirred vessel with rushton turbine Chemical Engineering Science, 61 (2). pp. 688-697. ISSN 0009-2509

Mujumdar, Kaustubh S. ; Arora, Amit ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2006) Modeling of rotary cement kilns: applications to reduction in energy consumption Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 45 (7). pp. 2315-2330. ISSN 0888-5885

Harshe, Y. M. ; Utikar, R. P. ; Ranade, V. V. ; Pahwa, D. (2005) Modeling of rotary desiccant wheels Chemical Engineering & Technology, 28 (12). pp. 1473-1479. ISSN 0930-7516

Nayak, Subramanya V. ; Joshi, Saket L. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2005) Modeling of vaporization and cracking of liquid oil injected in a gas-solid riser Chemical Engineering Science, 60 (22). pp. 6049-6066. ISSN 0009-2509

Subramanian, Ganapathy ; Ranade, Vivek ; Nagarkar, Shailesh ; Lele, Ashish (2005) Matched asymptotic solution for flow in a semi-hyperbolic die Chemical Engineering Science, 60 (11). pp. 3107-3110. ISSN 0009-2509

Khopkar, A. R. ; Rammohan, A. R. ; Ranade, V. V. ; Dudukovic, M. P. (2005) Gas-liquid flow generated by a Rushton turbine in stirred vessel: CARPT/CT measurements and CFD simulations Chemical Engineering Science, 60 (8-9). pp. 2215-2229. ISSN 0009-2509

Khopkar, A. R. ; Panaskar, S. S. ; Pandit, A. B. ; Ranade, V. V. (2005) Characterization of gas-liquid flows in stirred vessels using pressure and torque fluctuations Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44 (9). pp. 3298-3311. ISSN 0888-5885

Gunjal, Prashant R. ; Ranade, Vivek V. ; Chaudhari, Raghunath V. (2005) Dynamics of drop impact on solid surface: experiments and VOF simulations AIChE Journal, 51 (1). pp. 59-78. ISSN 0001-1541

Buwa, Vivek V. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2005) Characterization of gas-liquid flows in rectangular bubble columns using conductivity probes Chemical Engineering Communications, 192 (9). pp. 1129-1150. ISSN 0098-6445

Gunjal, Prashant R. ; Ranade, Vivek V. ; Chaudhari, Raghunath V. (2005) Computational study of a single-phase flow in packed beds of spheres AIChE Journal, 51 (2). pp. 365-378. ISSN 0001-1541

Gunjal, Prashant R. ; Kashid, Madhavanand N. ; Ranade, Vivek V. ; Chaudhari, Raghunath V. (2005) Hydrodynamics of trickle-bed reactors: experiments and CFD modeling Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 44 (16). pp. 6278-6294. ISSN 0888-5885

Buwa, Vivek V. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2004) Characterization of dynamics of gas-liquid flows in rectangular bubble columns AIChE Journal, 50 (10). pp. 2394-2407. ISSN 0001-1541

Dakshinamoorthy, D. ; Khopkar, A. R. ; Louvar, J. F. ; Ranade, V. V. (2004) CFD simulations to study shortstopping runaway reactions in a stirred vessel Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 17 (5). pp. 355-364. ISSN 0950-4230

Khopkar, A. R. ; Mavros, P. ; Ranade, V. V. ; Bertrand, J. (2004) Simulation of flow generated by an axial-flow impeller: batch and continuous operation Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 82 (6). pp. 737-751. ISSN 0263-8762

Harshe, Yogesh M. ; Utikar, Ranjeet P. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2004) A computational model for predicting particle size distribution and performance of fluidized bed polypropylene reactor Chemical Engineering Science, 59 (22-23). pp. 5145-5156. ISSN 0009-2509

Rammohan, Aravind R. ; Dudukovic, Milorad P. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2003) Eulerian flow field estimation from particle trajectories: numerical experiments for stirred tank type flows Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 42 (12). pp. 2589-2601. ISSN 0888-5885

Gunjal, Prashant R. ; Ranade, Vivek V. ; Chaudhari, Raghunath Vitthal (2003) Liquid distribution and RTD in trickle bed reactors: experiments and CFD simulations Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 81 (3-4). pp. 821-830. ISSN 0008-4034

Buwa, Vivek V. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2003) Mixing in bubble column reactors: role of unsteady flow structures Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 81 (3-4). pp. 402-411. ISSN 0008-4034

Rampure, Mohan R. ; Buwa, Vivek V. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2003) Modelling of gas-liquid/gas-liquid-solid flows in bubble columns: Experiments and CFD simulations Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 81 (3-4). pp. 692-706. ISSN 0008-4034

Gunjal, P. R. ; Ranade, V. V. ; Chaudhari, R. V. (2003) Experimental and computational study of liquid drop over flat and spherical surfaces Catalysis Today, 79-80 (1-4). pp. 267-273. ISSN 0920-5861

Joshi, Jyeshtharaj B. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2003) Computational fluid dynamics for designing process equipment: expectations, present status and path forward Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 42 (6). pp. 1115-1128. ISSN 0888-5885

Khopkar, A. R. ; Aubin, J. ; Xuereb, C. ; Le Sauze, N. ; Bertrand, J. ; Ranade, V. V. (2003) Gas-liquid flow generated by a pitched blade turbine: pitched-blade turbine measurements and computational fluid dynamics simulations Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 42 (21). pp. 5318-5332. ISSN 0888-5885

Deshpande, Vaibhav R. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2003) Simulation of flows in stirred vessels agitated by dual rushton impellers using computational snapshot approach Chemical Engineering Communications, 190 (2). pp. 236-253. ISSN 0098-6445

Buwa, Vivek V. ; Ranade, Vivek V. (2002) Dynamics of gas-liquid flow in a rectangular bubble column: experiments and single/multi-group CFD simulations Chemical Engineering Science, 57 (22-23). pp. 4715-4736. ISSN 0009-2509

Ranade, Vivek V. ; Tayalia, Yatin ; Krishnan, H. (2002) CFD predictions of flow near impeller blades in baffled stirred vessels: assessment of computational snapshot approach Chemical Engineering Communications, 189 (7). pp. 895-922. ISSN 0098-6445

Ranade, V. V. ; Perrard, M. ; Xuereb, C. ; Le Sauze, N. ; Bertrand, J. (2001) Influence of gas flow rate on the structure of trailing vortices of a rushton turbine: PIV measurements and CFD simulations Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 79 (8). pp. 957-964. ISSN 0263-8762

Ranade, V. V. ; Tayalia, Y. (2001) Modelling of fluid dynamics and mixing in shallow bubble column reactors: influence of Sparger design Chemical Engineering Science, 56 (4). pp. 1667-1675. ISSN 0009-2509

Ranade, V. V. ; Perrard, M. ; Le Sauze, N. ; Xuereb, C. ; Bertrand, J. (2001) Trailing vortices of rushton turbine: PIV masurements and CFD simulations with snapshot approach Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 79 (1). pp. 3-12. ISSN 0263-8762

Ranade, V. V. ; Utikar, R. P. (1999) Dynamics of gas-liquid flows in bubble column reactors Chemical Engineering Science, 54 (21). pp. 5237-5243. ISSN 0009-2509

Ranade, V. V. ; Kuipers, J. A. M. ; Versteeg, G. F. (1999) Gas-liquid reactor/separator: dynamics and operability characteristics Chemical Engineering Science, 54 (21). pp. 4881-4886. ISSN 0009-2509

Ranade, Vivek V. ; Deshpande, Vaibhav R. (1999) Gas-liquid flow in stirred reactors: trailing vortices and gas accumulation behind impeller blades Chemical Engineering Science, 54 (13-14). pp. 2305-2315. ISSN 0009-2509

Ranade, Vivek V. (1999) Modelling of gas-solid flows in FCC riser reactor: fully developed flow 2nd International Conference on CFD in Minerals and Process Industries, CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia . pp. 77-82.

Girotra, K. S. ; Ranade, V. V. (1999) Regeneration protocols for fixed bed reactors deactivated by coke Chemical Engineering Communications, 171 (1). pp. 55-76. ISSN 0098-6445

Ranade, V. V. (1997) An efficient computational model for simulating flow in stirred vessels: a case of Rushton turbine Chemical Engineering Science, 52 (24). pp. 4473-4484. ISSN 0009-2509

Ranade, V. V. (1997) Modelling of turbulent flow in a bubble column reactor Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 75 (1). pp. 14-23. ISSN 0263-8762

Ranade, V. V. (1996) Towards better mixing protocols by designing spatially periodic flows: the case of a jet mixer Chemical Engineering Science, 51 (11). pp. 2637-2642. ISSN 0009-2509

Desai, R. B. ; Kolhatkar, R. V. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Ranade, V. V. ; Mashelkar, R. A. (1995) Turbulence structure in bubble disengagement zone: role of polymer addition AIChE Journal, 41 (5). pp. 1329-1332. ISSN 0001-1541

Ranade, Vivek V. ; Mashelkar, Raghunath A. (1995) Convective diffusion from a dissolving polymeric particle AIChE Journal, 41 (3). pp. 666-676. ISSN 0001-1541

Ranade, V. V. ; Van den Akker, H. E. A. (1994) A computational snapshot of gas-liquid flow in baffled stirred reactors Chemical Engineering Science, 49 (24). pp. 5175-5192. ISSN 0009-2509

Ranade, V. V. ; Mashelkar, R. A. (1993) Turbulent mixing in dilute polymer solutions Chemical Engineering Science, 48 (9). pp. 1619-1628. ISSN 0009-2509

Ranade, V. V. ; Mishra, V. P. ; Saraph, V. S. ; Deshpande, G. B. ; Joshi, J. B. (1992) Comparison of axial flow impellers using a laser Doppler anemometer Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 31 (10). pp. 2370-2379. ISSN 0888-5885

Ranade, V. V. (1992) Flow in bubble columns: some numerical experiments Chemical Engineering Science, 47 (8). pp. 1857-1869. ISSN 0009-2509

Ranade, V. V. (1992) Numerical simulation of dispersed gas-liquid flows Sadhana (Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences), 17 (2). pp. 237-273. ISSN 0256-2499

Ranade, Vivek V. (1992) Decoupling of micro- and macromixing in turbulent reacting flow AIChE Journal, 38 (3). pp. 466-470. ISSN 0001-1541

Thoma, S. ; Ranade, V. V. ; Bourne, J. R. (1991) Interaction between micro-and macro-mixing during reactions in agitated tanks Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 69 (5). pp. 1135-1141. ISSN 0008-4034

Ranade, V. V. ; Bourne, J. R. ; Joshi, J. B. (1991) Fluid mechanics and blending in agitated tanks Chemical Engineering Science, 46 (8). pp. 1883-1893. ISSN 0009-2509

Ranade, V. V. ; Bourne, J. R. (1991) Reactive mixing in agitated tanks Chemical Engineering Communications, 99 (1). pp. 33-53. ISSN 0098-6445

Joshi, J. B. ; Ranade, V. V. ; Gharat, S. D. ; Lele, S. S. (1990) Sparged loop reactors The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 68 (5). pp. 705-741. ISSN 0008-4034

Joshi, J. B. ; Patil, T. A. ; Ranade, V. V. ; Shah, Y. T. (1990) Measurement of hydrodynamic parameters in multiphase sparged reactors Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 6 (2-3). pp. 73-227. ISSN 0167-8299

Ranade, V. V. ; Joshi, J. B. (1990) Flow generated by a disc turbine. I: Experimental Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 68 (1). pp. 19-33. ISSN 0263-8762

Ranade, V. V. ; Joshi, J. B. (1990) Flow generated by a disc turbine. II: Mathematical modelling and comparison with experimental data Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 68 (1). pp. 34-50. ISSN 0263-8762

Ranade, V. V. ; Joshi, J. B. (1989) Flow generated by pitched blade turbines I: Measurements using laser doppler anemometer Chemical Engineering Communications, 81 (1). pp. 197-224. ISSN 0098-6445

Ranade, V. V. ; Joshi, J. B. ; Marathe, A. G. (1989) Flow generated by pitched blade turbines II: Simulation using k-ε model Chemical Engineering Communications, 81 (1). pp. 225-248. ISSN 0098-6445

Ranade, V. V. ; Joshi, J. B. (1987) Transport phenomena in multiphase systems: momemtum mass and heat transfer in bubble column reactors Proceedings of Symposium on Transfer Process in Multiphase Systems, BHU, Varanasi . pp. 113-196.

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