Composite performance-dependability analysis of manufacturing systems producing multiple part types using Markov reward models

Viswanadham, N. ; Pattipati, K. R. ; Gopalakrishna, V. (1993) Composite performance-dependability analysis of manufacturing systems producing multiple part types using Markov reward models Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 3 . pp. 89-94.

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The notion of performability is formulated for automated manufacturing systems producing multiple part types using Markov reward models. It is shown that the distribution of accumulated performance over a given interval of time is the solution of a set of forward or adjoint linear hyberbolic partial differential equations. The performability analysis presented allows the computation of probability of meeting a target mix production, the probability that the manufacturing lead time of a part type is less than a given limit. Analyses are conducted using variance and cross-covariance functions to evaluate the volume-variety tradeoff.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.
ID Code:98234
Deposited On:28 Apr 2014 12:16
Last Modified:28 Apr 2014 12:16

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