Empirical prediction of Indian summer monsoon rainfall with different lead periods based on global SST anomalies

Pai, D. S. ; Rajeevan, M. (2006) Empirical prediction of Indian summer monsoon rainfall with different lead periods based on global SST anomalies Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 92 (1-2). pp. 33-43. ISSN 0177-7971

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The main objective of this study was to develop empirical models with different seasonal lead time periods for the long range prediction of seasonal (June to September) Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR). For this purpose, 13 predictors having significant and stable relationships with ISMR were derived by the correlation analysis of global grid point seasonal Sea-Surface Temperature (SST) anomalies and the tendency in the SST anomalies. The time lags of the seasonal SST anomalies were varied from 1 season to 4 years behind the reference monsoon season. The basic SST data set used was the monthly NOAA Extended Reconstructed Global SST (ERSST) data at 2° × 2° spatial grid for the period 1951–2003. The time lags of the 13 predictors derived from various areas of all three tropical ocean basins (Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans) varied from 1 season to 3 years. Based on these inter-correlated predictors, 3 predictor sub sets A, B and C were formed with prediction lead time periods of 0, 1 and 2 seasons, respectively, from the beginning of the monsoon season. The selected principal components (PCs) of these predictor sets were used as the input parameters for the models A, B and C, respectively. The model development period was 1955–1984. The correct model size was derived using all-possible regressions procedure and Mallow’s “Cp” statistics. Various model statistics computed for the independent period (1985–2003) showed that model B had the best prediction skill among the three models. The root mean square error (RMSE) of model B during the independent test period (6.03% of Long Period Average (LPA)) was much less than that during the development period (7.49% of LPA). The performance of model B was reasonably good during both ENSO and non-ENSO years particularly when the magnitudes of actual ISMR were large. In general, the predicted ISMR during years following the El Niño (La Niña) years were above (below) LPA as were the actual ISMR. By including an NAO related predictor (WEPR) derived from the surface pressure anomalies over West Europe as an additional input parameter into model B, the skill of the predictions were found to be substantially improved (RMSE of 4.86% of LPA).

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Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Springer.
ID Code:94351
Deposited On:05 Sep 2012 11:29
Last Modified:05 Sep 2012 11:29

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