ASSET: a system for supporting extended transactions

Biliris, A. ; Dar, S. ; Gehani, N. ; Jagadish, H. V. ; Ramamritham, K. (1994) ASSET: a system for supporting extended transactions ACM SIGMOD Record, 23 (2). pp. 44-54. ISSN 0163-5808

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Extended transaction models in databases were motivated by the needs of complex applications such as CAD and software engineering. Transactions in such applications have diverse needs, for example, they may be long lived and they may need to cooperate. We describe ASSET, a system for supporting extended transactions. ASSET consists of a set of transaction primitives that allow users to define custom transaction semantics to match the needs of specific applications. We show how the transaction primitives can be used to specify a variety of transaction models, including nested transactions, split transactions, and sagas. Application-specific transaction models with relaxed correctness criteria, and computations involving workflows, can also be specified using the primitives. We describe the implementation of the ASSET primitives in the context of the Ode database.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Association for Computing Machinery.
ID Code:94315
Deposited On:23 Aug 2012 11:18
Last Modified:23 Aug 2012 11:18

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