Distribution law of integrated intensity of solar optical flares

Das, T. K. ; Das Gupta, M. K. (1984) Distribution law of integrated intensity of solar optical flares Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of Czechoslovakia, 35 . pp. 241-243. ISSN 0004-6248

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A distribution law is proposed which connects the occurrence frequency distribution of solar optical flares with their integrated intensity values. A total of 1438 observations of solar optical flares were taken from NOAA Solar Geophysical Daily bulletins for the period from 1970 to 1977. The integrated intensities of the flares are calculated by means of Sawyer's (1967) expression for the measured area of a solar flare in square degrees. The calculations show that the number of flares diminishes when the integrated intensities are less than 2 sq degrees.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Astrophysical Data Service.
Keywords:Solar Flares; Statistical Distributions; Visible Spectrum; Frequency Distribution; H Alpha Line
ID Code:8933
Deposited On:28 Oct 2010 10:31
Last Modified:16 May 2016 18:50

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