Open string descriptions of spacelike singularities in two dimensional string theory

Das, Sumit R. ; Santos, Luiz H. (2007) Open string descriptions of spacelike singularities in two dimensional string theory Physical Review D, 75 (12). 126001_1-126001_12. ISSN 0556-2821

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The matrix model formulation of two dimensional string theory has been shown to admit time dependent classical solutions whose closed string duals are geodesically incomplete space-times with spacelike boundaries. We investigate some aspects of the dynamics of fermions in one such background. We show that even though the background solution appears pathological, the time evolution of the system is smooth in terms of open string degrees of freedom, viz. the fermions. In particular, an initial state of fermions evolves smoothly into a well-defined final state over an infinite open string time interval, while the time perceived by closed strings appears to end abruptly. We outline a method of calculating fermion correlators exactly using symmetry properties. The result for the two-point function is consistent with the semiclassical picture.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to American Physical Society.
ID Code:8729
Deposited On:28 Oct 2010 05:05
Last Modified:31 May 2011 04:53

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