Measurements of electric field and vertical distribution of space charge close to the ground during the solar eclipse of February 16, 1980

Kamra, A. K. ; Teotia, J. K. S. ; Sathe, A. B. (1982) Measurements of electric field and vertical distribution of space charge close to the ground during the solar eclipse of February 16, 1980 Journal of Geophysical Research, 87 (C3). pp. 2057-2060. ISSN 0148-0227

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Atmospheric electric field at ground level and space charge at 0.1, 1, and 2 m above the ground have been measured at Poona during the solar eclipse of February 16, 1980. Electric field was measured with a radioactive probe and the space charge by direct filteration technique. About 57 min after the first contact, the space charge at the 2-m level showed a remarkable increase in its fluctuations with no parallel changes at 0.1 and l m levels. About 41 min after the maximum phase of the eclipse, the space charge at all three levels experienced negative pulses and remained negative at 0.1 and l m levels, even a few minutes after the end of the eclipse. During this time the electric field decreased for some time to almost its zero value. Influence of the space charge observed at these levels in decreasing the electric field has been examined. Possible role of eddies motion in causing the space charge variations close to the ground is discussed.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to American Geophysical Union.
ID Code:86743
Deposited On:12 Mar 2012 15:58
Last Modified:12 Mar 2012 15:58

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