Elastic scattering and fusion cross sections for 7Be,7Li+27Al systems

Kalita, K. ; Verma, S. ; Singh, R. ; Das, J. J. ; Jhingan, A. ; Madhavan, N. ; Nath, S. ; Varughese, T. ; Sugathan, P. ; Parkar, V. V. ; Mahata, K. ; Ramachandran, K. ; Shrivastava, A. ; Chatterjee, A. ; Kailas, S. ; Barua, S. ; Basu, P. ; Majumdar, H. ; Sinha, M. ; Bhattacharya, R. ; Sinha, A. K. (2006) Elastic scattering and fusion cross sections for 7Be,7Li+27Al systems Physical Review C, 73 (2). 024609_1-024609_7. ISSN 0556-2813

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Official URL: http://prc.aps.org/abstract/PRC/v73/i2/e024609

Related URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.73.024609


Quasi-elastic-scattering and transfer reaction cross-section measurements were made for the 7Be+27Al system at Elab=17, 19, and 21 MeV in the angular range θc.m.=12°-43°. An optical model (OM) analysis of the quasi-elastic scattering data was carried out. The fusion cross sections were derived at these energies by subtraction of the integrated transfer cross sections from the reaction cross sections obtained from the fits to quasi-elastic-scattering data. These fusion cross sections were found to be consistent with those obtained from the coupled-channels calculations. Elastic scattering and fusion cross sections were measured for the 7Li+27Al system at Elab=10, 13, 16, 19, and 24 MeV. For elastic scattering the angular coverages were in the θlab=12°-72° range and for fusion the a-evaporation spectra from the compound nucleus were measured in the angular range θlab=52°-132° (142° at 10 MeV). The elastic-scattering angular distributions were subjected to OM analysis. The α-evaporation spectra were reproduced with the statistical model calculations, and the fusion cross sections were extracted from them. The fusion cross sections were also extracted by subtraction of the integrated inelastic-scattering cross sections from the reaction cross sections obtained from the OM fits to the elastic-scattering data, and these fusion data were found to be consistent. The CCDEF calculations describe these data quite well. A comparison of the fusion data for the 7Be+27Al and 7Li+27Al systems shows a similar and consistent behavior.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to The American Physical Society.
ID Code:85502
Deposited On:03 Mar 2012 07:33
Last Modified:03 Mar 2012 07:33

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