PDF and scale uncertainties of various DY distributions in ADD and RS models at hadron colliders

Kumar, M. C. ; Mathews, Prakash ; Ravindran, V. (2007) PDF and scale uncertainties of various DY distributions in ADD and RS models at hadron colliders The - Particles and Fields European Physical Journal C (EPJ C), 49 (2). pp. 599-611. ISSN 1434-6044

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In the extra dimension models of ADD and RS we study the dependence of the various parton distribution functions on observables of Drell-Yan processes to NLO in QCD at LHC and Tevatron energies. Uncertainties at LHC due to factorisation scales in going from leading to next-to-leading order in QCD for the various distributions get reduced by about 2.75 times for a µF range 0.5Q < µF < 1.5Q. Further uncertainties arising from the error on the experimental data are estimated using the MRST parton distribution functions.

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Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Springer.
ID Code:84931
Deposited On:28 Feb 2012 04:15
Last Modified:28 Feb 2012 04:15

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