A preliminary Note on the Life-history of certain Anthomyiad Flies, Atherigona spp. and Acritochaeta excisa, Thomson.

Ballard, E. ; Ramachandra Rao, Y. (1924) A preliminary Note on the Life-history of certain Anthomyiad Flies, Atherigona spp. and Acritochaeta excisa, Thomson. Report of Proceedings, 5th Entomological Meeting . pp. 275-277.

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This paper summarises the results of observations made at Coimbatore between 1914 and 1921. The species of Atherigona dealt with are the " Cholam " fly, the " Cumbu " fly and the rice-stem fly. The eggs of the first hatch in 36-44 hours, the larval period lasting 6-10 days and the pupal period 6-7 days. The larvae live on Sorghum, attacking only the young seedlings and shoots. The " Cumbu " fly attacks both seedlings and full-grown plants of Pennisetum typhofdeum, the egg stage lasting 37-48 hours, the larval 7-9 days and the pupal about 6 days. The larvae of the rice-stem fly damage the rice plants only in the seedling stage. The eggs hatch in 33-48 hours, the larval period being 6-7 days and the pupal 7 days. The eggs of the tomato fly, Acritochaeta excisa [Atherigona orientalis], Thorns., hatch in 28-36 hours, and the larval and pupal stages last 6-7 days each. The Anthomyud flies that have been noted on other cereals, such as Panicum miliar e, P. frumentaceum and Paspalum scrobiculatum, are all different.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Report of Proceedings, 5th Entomological Meeting, Pusa.
ID Code:81481
Deposited On:07 Feb 2012 05:02
Last Modified:09 Apr 2012 10:18

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