Models of hopping-controlled reactions with variable hopping range

Ala-Nissila, T. ; Chowdhury, Debashish ; Gunton, J. D. (1986) Models of hopping-controlled reactions with variable hopping range Physical Review A, 34 (5). pp. 4251-4255. ISSN 1050-2947

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We propose two classes of models for hopping-controlled reactions in which one of the reactants forms a random distribution of static traps and the hopping distances of the other reactants (random walkers) are independent random variables with a preassigned distribution. Specifically, in the discrete model, at each step the random walkers are allowed to make hops of all possible lengths of integer units up to a preassigned maximum value L, all with equal probability. In one of the continuous models, the hopping distances are Gaussian-distributed independent random variables with a mean L. In the other continuous model, the distribution of the hopping distances r follow an exponential distribution, namely, exp(-//r//L). We predict the L dependence as well as the time dependence of the reaction rates (the decay of the particle density as a function of time) for these models analytically. We also verify some of these predictions by Monte Carlo computer simulations.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to American Physical Society.
ID Code:7676
Deposited On:25 Oct 2010 10:51
Last Modified:03 Feb 2011 06:31

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