T lymphocyte reactivity of leprosy patients and healthy contacts from a leprosy-endemic population to delipidified cell components of Mycobacterium leprae

Ilangumaran, S. ; Robinson, P. ; Shankernarayan, N. P. ; Ramu, G. ; Mahadevan, P. R. ; Muthukkaruppan, V. R. (1994) T lymphocyte reactivity of leprosy patients and healthy contacts from a leprosy-endemic population to delipidified cell components of Mycobacterium leprae Leprosy Review, 65 (1). pp. 34-44. ISSN 0305-7518

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In this study, we measured in vitro proliferative responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from both leprosy patients across the clinical spectrum and also healthy contacts from a leprosy-endemic population to delipidified cell components of Mycobacterium leprae (DCC) and Dharmendra lepromin. Dharmendra lepromin was poor in inducing in vitro T cell proliferation in all the study groups, even though it elicited marked in vivo skin test reaction in tuberculoid leprosy patients and healthy contacts. In contrast, Dharmendra preparation of BCG induced marked T-cell response in tuberculoid as well as bacterial index negative lepromatous patients. DCC induced a significantly higher lymphoproliferative response than Dharmendra lepromin in all study groups. A significant positive correlation was observed between the lymphoproliferative responses to DCC and BCG. The present study, based on a large number of leprosy patients and healthy contacts, clearly demonstrates that DCC, depleted of glycolipids and lipopolysaccharides, is a good antigenic preparation for evaluating T-cell reactivity to M. leprae.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to The British Leprosy Relief Association.
ID Code:75243
Deposited On:22 Dec 2011 04:09
Last Modified:17 Jul 2012 05:15

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