Mitochondriogenesis in synchronous cultures of yeast: I. Oscillatory pattern of respiration

Dharmalingam, K. ; Jayaraman, J. (1973) Mitochondriogenesis in synchronous cultures of yeast: I. Oscillatory pattern of respiration Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 157 (1). pp. 197-202. ISSN 0003-9861

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Synchronised cultures of yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae provide ideal material for the study of mitochondria. While studying the oxygen uptake capacity of synchronously growing cultures, it was noticed that oxygen uptake increased and decreased in an oscillatory pattern. Such a pattern was repeated up to four cycles. This observed behavior is entirely different from the results reported earlier by others.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
ID Code:70418
Deposited On:17 Nov 2011 03:42
Last Modified:17 Nov 2011 03:42

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