Seminormal varieties, torsionfree sheaves, and Picard groups

Bhosle, Usha N. (2008) Seminormal varieties, torsionfree sheaves, and Picard groups Communications in Algebra, 36 (3). pp. 821-841. ISSN 0092-7872

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We give a construction of torsionfree sheaves on a seminormal variety Y using torsionfree sheaves on the normalization X and the non-normal locus W. We use it to find a relation between Picard groups of X, Y, and W. We apply it to determine the Picard groups of the generalized Jacobian, the compactified Jacobian and some subschemes associated to the moduli spaces of torsionfree sheaves of rank 2 and odd degree on a nodal curve.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Taylor and Francis Group.
Keywords:Picard Groups; Seminormal Varieties; Semistable Sheaves
ID Code:69630
Deposited On:12 Nov 2011 09:41
Last Modified:12 Nov 2011 09:41

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