Inherited and rearing components of aggressive dominance and autonomic reactivity in the rat

Shankar, Sunitha ; Singh, Mewa (1990) Inherited and rearing components of aggressive dominance and autonomic reactivity in the rat Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Animal Sciences, 99 (6). pp. 493-502. ISSN 0253-4118

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On the basis of their scores in the open field test apparatus and 'limited access' competition, rats were divided into high and low aggressive and high and low reactive lines. Intrastrain breeding experiments were conducted across 3 generations to determine the heritability of aggressive behaviour and reactivity. In each generation, the animals of each strain were reared under 'normal', 'crowded' and 'food restricted' conditions to determine the extent of the influence of rearing environment on these behaviours. The genetic and environmental contributions to aggression and reactivity were further investigated through reciprocal cross matings and foster rearing. In most of the cases, environmental factors showed significant but varied and unpredictable influences, whereas the genetic factors were more consistent in their effects.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Indian Academy of Sciences.
Keywords:Aggressive Behaviour; Autonomic Reactivity; Inheritance; Environmental Influences
ID Code:61619
Deposited On:15 Sep 2011 12:27
Last Modified:15 Sep 2011 12:27

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