Symmetric and antisymmetric solutions for nonlinear wave modulations in plasmas

Nagesha Rao, N. ; Varma, Ram K. (1984) Symmetric and antisymmetric solutions for nonlinear wave modulations in plasmas Physics of Fluids, 27 (11). pp. 2645-2651. ISSN 1070-6631

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The existence of symmetric and antisymmetric stationary localized solutions for nonlinear amplitude-modulated Langmuir waves and circularly polarized electromagnetic waves in plasmas is considered. It is shown that the antisymmetric Langmuir solitons exist in the entire range of the Mach number, namely, 0<M<1, whereas antisymmetric electromagnetic solitons exist for all values of the Mach number. The parameter regions for the existence of different types of symmetric soliton solutions are obtained explicitly. It is found that both the density-hump and the density-dip electromagnetic solitons exist for subsonic as well as supersonic values of the Mach number.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to American Institute of Physics.
Keywords:Circular Polarization; Plasma; Plasma Waves; Amplitudes; Modulation; Steady-state Conditions; Polarization; Electromagnetic Radiation; Nonlinear Problems; Analytical Solution; Symmetry; Mach Number; Solitons; Subsonic Flow; Supersonic Flow; Plasma Instability
ID Code:58390
Deposited On:31 Aug 2011 06:14
Last Modified:31 Aug 2011 06:14

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