Lactoferrin-melanin interaction and its possible implications in melanin polymerization: crystal structure of the complex formed between mare lactoferrin and melanin monomers at 2.7-Å resolution

Sharma, Ashwani K. ; Kumar, S. ; Sharma, Vandana ; Nagpal, Akanksha ; Singh, Nagendra ; Tamboli, Irfan ; Mani, Indu ; Raman, G. ; Singh, Tej P. (2001) Lactoferrin-melanin interaction and its possible implications in melanin polymerization: crystal structure of the complex formed between mare lactoferrin and melanin monomers at 2.7-Å resolution Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 45 (3). pp. 229-236. ISSN 0887-3585

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The concentration of melanin determines the intensity of colors of the skin and hair of animals. Melanin pigments are tyrosine-based polymers formed in melanocytes within specialized organelles called melanosomes. In order to understand the mechanism of melanin polymerization, lactoferrin, a basic protein with a pI value of 9.0, has been used to produce melanin. Lactoferrin is a monomeric iron-binding protein with a molecular weight of 80 kDa. The crystals of lactoferrin were soaked in a solution containing dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) and tyrosinase enzyme. These crystals were used for X-ray intensity data collection. The intensity data were collected to 2.7-Å resolution to an overall completeness of 91% with an Rsym of 0.071. The crystals belong to orthorhombic space group P212121 with cell dimensions: a = 85.0 Å, b = 99.8 Å, c = 103.4 Å. The structure was determined by molecular replacement method, using the model of diferric mare lactoferrin, and refined to an R-factor 0.215 (Rfree = 0.287) for all the data to 2.7-Å resolution. The final model comprises 5,281 protein atoms from 689 amino acids,2Fe3+,2CO23 ions, 2 indole-5,6-quinone molecules (IQ), and 73 water molecules. Two IQ molecules, one in each lobe, bind to lactoferrin. In the C-lobe, the IQ binds in the iron-binding cleft, whereas in the N-lobe, it is located in the side pocket between two α-helices, filled with solvent molecules in the native iron-saturated mare lactoferrin. The IQ molecules interact with protein molecule mainly through glutamic acid in both lobes, without significant perturbation to the protein structure. The orientation of N- and C-lobes in the present structure is similar to that observed in the native iron-saturated protein. However, as a result of the binding of IQ molecules, the orientations of the domains N1, N2 and C1, C2 in the two cases differ slightly.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to John Wiley and Sons.
ID Code:49187
Deposited On:19 Jul 2011 05:37
Last Modified:19 Jul 2011 05:37

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