Production of Brassica napus × Raphanobrassica hybrids by embryo rescue: an attempt to introduce shattering resistance into B. napus

Agnihotri, Abha ; Shivanna, K. R. ; Raina, S. N. ; Lakshmikumaran, Malathi ; Prakash, Shyam ; Jagannathan, V. (1990) Production of Brassica napus × Raphanobrassica hybrids by embryo rescue: an attempt to introduce shattering resistance into B. napus Plant Breeding, 105 (4). pp. 292-299. ISSN 0179-9541

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Intergeneric hybridization is one of the effective methods to broaden the genetic base of cultivated species. Raphanus sativus, a member of the subtribe Raphaninae, has very hard pods at threshing time. In an attempt to transfer shattering resistance to Brassica napus, Raphanobrassica was used as the male parent in crosses with Brassica napus. Plantlets were obtained by embryo rescue and were further multiplied in vitro by micropropagation of nodal segments. Morphology, cytology and DNA analysis confirmed the hybrid nature of these plants. They were backcrosscd with Brassica napus and the progeny was raised. Plants of BC1 and BC2 generations showed wide variation in morphology, chromosome number and pollen fertility. Some of the plants showed up to 95 % pollen fertility and resistance to shattering, indicating the potential for developing B. napus with resistance to shattering.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to John Wiley and Sons.
Keywords:Brassica napus; Raphanobrassica; Wide Hybridization; Embryo Rescue; DNA Analysis; Shattering; Resistance; Backcrossing
ID Code:49048
Deposited On:18 Jul 2011 12:54
Last Modified:11 Jul 2012 04:49

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