Photoemission study of the metal-insulator transition in NiS2−xSex

Mamiya, K. ; Mizokawa, T. ; Fujimori, A. ; Miyadai, T. ; Chandrasekharan, N. ; Krishnakumar, S. R. ; Takahashi, H. ; Môri, N. ; Suga, S. (1998) Photoemission study of the metal-insulator transition in NiS2−xSex Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 58 (15). pp. 9611-9614. ISSN 1098-0121

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We have studied the electronic structure of NiS2−xSex, which undergoes a metal-insulator transition as functions of composition x and temperature, by means of photoemission and inverse-photoemission spectroscopy. Spectral changes across the transition near the Fermi level (EF) (particularly within ~100meV of EF) have been interpreted as due to a "semimetallic" closure of the band gap in going from the insulating phase to the antiferromagnetic metallic phase. On the other hand, there is also composition- and temperature-dependent spectral weight transfer over a wider energy range of ~0.5-1eV, indicating significant correlation effects. Photoemission intensity just below EF remains high in the insulating phases, indicating that the carrier number is large at high temperatures and that the activation-type transport is due to the activated mobility rather than the activated carrier number.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to The American Physical Society.
ID Code:46380
Deposited On:04 Jul 2011 11:53
Last Modified:04 Jul 2011 11:53

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