Ligand specificity and ligand-induced conformational change in gal repressor

Chatterjee, Sumana ; Ghosh, Kajari ; Dhar, Amlanjyoti ; Roy, Siddhartha (2002) Ligand specificity and ligand-induced conformational change in gal repressor Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 49 (4). pp. 554-559. ISSN 0887-3585

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Gal repressor (GalR) binds D-galactose, which is responsible for lifting of repression of the gal operon. Proton T1 measurements of α- and β-anomers of galactose as a function of gal repressor show preferential binding of the β-anomer. The β-anomer was isolated by high-performance liquid chromatography and was shown to bind tightly to GalR. Calorimetry was used to determine enthalpy changes at several temperatures. Heat capacity change was found to be positive, indicating that a significant amount of hydrophobic surface area was exposed upon galactose binding. Bis-ANS binding to GalR is significantly enhanced in the presence of a saturating amount of galactose, indicating additional exposure of hydrophobic surfaces. We propose that the galactose-induced conformational change involves the opening of the two subdomains, which may disrupt protein-protein interactions responsible for repression.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to John Wiley and Sons.
Keywords:Galactose; Anomer; Calorimetry; Fluorescence; NMR
ID Code:43188
Deposited On:10 Jun 2011 08:15
Last Modified:10 Jun 2011 12:00

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