L3/L2 white-line intensity ratios in the electron energy-loss spectra of 3d transition-metal oxides

Sparrow, T. G. ; Williams, B. G. ; Rao, C. N. R. ; Thomas, J. M. (1984) L3/L2 white-line intensity ratios in the electron energy-loss spectra of 3d transition-metal oxides Chemical Physics Letters, 108 (6). pp. 547-550. ISSN 0009-2614

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The L3/L2 white-line intensity ratio in transition-metal oxides deviates widely from the statistical value of 2:1 but shows interesting systematics. In a series of oxides of a given metal, the ratio reaches a maximum for the d5 configuration (e.g. MnO) and a minimum for the d0 configuration (e.g. KMnO4). In a series of monoxides, sesquioxides and dioxides of different metals, the ratio is again a maximum at the d5 configuration and decreases as the configuration changes towards d0 or d10. Our results, obtained by electron energy-loss spectroscopy, carried out in an electron microscope, are interpreted on an atomic mechanism involving spin-spin coupling. According to this model, the L2 transition probability decreases in the progression d0 to d5 whereas the L3 transition probability decreases beyond d5.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
ID Code:42413
Deposited On:02 Jun 2011 13:26
Last Modified:02 Jun 2011 13:26

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