Relative efficacy of short-term tests in detecting genotoxic effects of cadmium chloride in mice in vivo

Mukherjee, Anita ; Giri, Ashok Kumar ; Sharma, Archana ; Talukder, Geeta (1988) Relative efficacy of short-term tests in detecting genotoxic effects of cadmium chloride in mice in vivo Mutation Research: Genetic Toxicology, 206 (2). pp. 285-295. ISSN 0165-1218

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The ability of intraperitoneally administered cadmium chloride (0.42-6.75 mg/kg) to induce genotoxic damage in somatic and germ cells of mice was evaluated using chromosomal aberrations, sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE), micronuclei and sperm-head abnormalities as end-points. A significant increase in the frequency of chromosomal aberrations and SCEs was observed in almost all treated series when compared to the negative control. Micronucleus formation in polychromatic erythrocytes was not affected significantly except at the highest concentration used (6.75 mg/kg). Significant differences were observed in the frequency of sperm with abnormal head morphology at all concentrations tested except the lowest one. The clastogenic effects of cadmium chloride in both somatic and germinal cells are found to depend directly on the concentrations used.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
Keywords:Cadmium Chloride; Short-term Tests; Genotoxic Damage
ID Code:38986
Deposited On:05 May 2011 13:38
Last Modified:05 May 2011 13:38

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