Search for a heavy neutrino in the β-decay of 35S

Datar, V. M. ; Baba, C. V. K. ; Bhattacherjee, S. K. ; Bhuinya, C. R. ; Roy, Amit (1985) Search for a heavy neutrino in the β-decay of 35S Nature, 318 . pp. 547-548. ISSN 0028-0836

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Recent experimental evidence suggests that the neutrino (strictly, an antineutrino) emitted in the β-decay of tritium is a mixture of two mass eigen states |v1 and |v2 where |ve=cosθ |v1 + sinθ |v2 with mv1<50 eV and mv2=17.1±0.2 keV and sin2θ =0.03. This conclusion is based on the observation of a 'kink' in the Fermi-Kurie plot of the electron energy spectrum at an energy 17.1 keV below the end point. Such an observation, if confirmed, will have far-reaching consequences in cosmology and particle physics. In the experiment reported here, a search was made for such an admixture in the β-decay of 35S. We fail to confirm the presence of mixing of neutrinos with mass 17.1 keV and place an upper limit on such an admixture of 0.6% (90% confidence level).

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Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Nature Publishing Group.
ID Code:3395
Deposited On:11 Oct 2010 08:51
Last Modified:18 May 2011 08:31

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