Energy distribution of thermal neutrons in a finite solid moderator assembly

Jha, Sudhanshu S. (1960) Energy distribution of thermal neutrons in a finite solid moderator assembly Journal of Nuclear Energy. Part A. Reactor Science, 12 (3). pp. 89-92. ISSN 0368-3265

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The equilibrium neutron energy spectrum inside a finite beryllium assembly has been calculated by solving the energy-dependent Boltzmann diffusion equation by numerical iteration. A pulsed source of neutron at time t=0 has been assumed. A reasonable approximation to the values given by Bhandari (1957) for the transport cross-sections has been used. For small assemblies the spectrum is found to deviate appreciably from the Maxwellian, particularly in the low energy region. The calculations also give the values of the decay constant λ of neutrons in different sizes of the assembly.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
ID Code:13974
Deposited On:12 Nov 2010 14:22
Last Modified:03 Jun 2011 04:05

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