Reversal of stability on metalation of pentagonal-bipyramidal (1-MB6H72-, 1-M-2-CB5H71-, and 1-M-2,4-C2B4H7) and icosahedral (1-MB11H122-, 1-M-2-CB10H121-, and 1-M-2,4-C2B9H12) boranes (M = Al, Ga, In, and Tl): energetics of condensation and relationship to binuclear metallocenes

Pathak, Biswarup ; Pandian, Shanthi ; Hosmane, Narayan ; Jemmis, Eluvathingal D. (2006) Reversal of stability on metalation of pentagonal-bipyramidal (1-MB6H72-, 1-M-2-CB5H71-, and 1-M-2,4-C2B4H7) and icosahedral (1-MB11H122-, 1-M-2-CB10H121-, and 1-M-2,4-C2B9H12) boranes (M = Al, Ga, In, and Tl): energetics of condensation and relationship to binuclear metallocenes Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128 (33). pp. 10915-10922. ISSN 0002-7863

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The usual assumption of the extra stability of icosahedral boranes (2) over pentagonal-bipyramidal boranes (1) is reversed by substitution of a vertex by a group 13 metal. This preference is a result of the geometrical requirements for optimum overlap between the five-membered face of the ligand and the metal fragment. Isodesmic equations calculated at the B3LYP/LANL2DZ level indicate that the extra stability of 1-M-2,4-C2B4H7 varies from 14.44 kcal/mol (M = Al) to 15.30 kcal/mol (M = Tl). Similarly, M(2,4-C2B4H6)21- is more stable than M(2,4-C2B9H11)21- by 9.26 kcal/mol (M = Al) and by 6.75 kcal/mol (M = Tl). The preference for (MC2B4H6)2 over (MC2B9H11)2 at the same level is 30.54 kcal/mol (M = Al), 33.16 kcal/ mol (M = Ga) and 37.77 kcal/mol (M = In). The metal-metal bonding here is comparable to those in CpZn-ZnCp and H2M-MH2 (M= Al, Ga, and In).

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Source:Copyright of this article belongs to American Chemical Society.
ID Code:13513
Deposited On:12 Nov 2010 15:26
Last Modified:04 Jun 2011 04:52

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