NSG-70, a new glioblastoma cell line with mixed proneural-mesenchymal features, associates NOTCH1-WNT5A signaling with stem cell maintenance and angiogenesis

Singh, Divya Kumari ; Shivalingappa, Pavan Kumar Mysuru ; Sharma, Aman ; Mondal, Abir ; Muzumdar, Dattatraya ; Shiras, Anjali ; Bapat, Sharmila A. (2022) NSG-70, a new glioblastoma cell line with mixed proneural-mesenchymal features, associates NOTCH1-WNT5A signaling with stem cell maintenance and angiogenesis Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 157 (3). pp. 575-591. ISSN 0167-594X

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Official URL: http://doi.org/10.1007/s11060-022-04002-x

Related URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11060-022-04002-x


Glioblastoma initiation and progression is believed to be driven by Glioma stem cells (GSCs). Activation of NOTCH1 and WNT, and more recently, non-canonical WNT5A signaling, has been demonstrated to regulate self-renewal and differentiation of the GSCs crucially. High expression levels of NOTCH1 and WNT in GBM tumors contribute to the sustenance of GSCs and mediate characteristic phenotypic plasticity, which is reflected by the different subtypes and tremendous intra-tumor heterogeneity. However, the coregulation of NOTCH1 and WNT5A is not well understood. Here, we studied the role of these molecules in regulating the characteristics of different GSC subtypes. Methods We established a novel GSC-enriched cell model, referred to as NSG-70, from a patient with recurrent GBM. NSG-70 cells harbor a unique cytogenetic feature, viz. isochromosome 9q. At the same time, its expression profiles indicate that it is a mixed lineage comprising proneural and mesenchymal subtypes. We examined the relevance of NOTCH1 and WNT5A signaling and their coordinated action in GBM using these cells and other patient-derived models representing different GSC subtypes. Results Our data revealed that the downregulation of NOTCH1 resulted in the suppression of stem cell and mesenchymal markers and significantly reduced the levels of WNT5A. NOTCH1 knockdown also led to a notable reduction in the vasculogenic mimicry of GSCs. Interestingly, knockdown of WNT5A exhibited similar effects and drove quiescent GSC towards proliferation. In a complementary manner, ectopic expression of WNT5A or rhWNT5A treatment rescued the effects of NOTCH1 knockdown. Conclusion The resistance of GSCs towards conventional therapies in part due to subtype interconversion demands therapies targeting specific GSC subtype. Our study suggests the need for a combinatorial approach that could effectively target the NOTCH1-WNT5A signaling axis toward eliminating GSCs.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Springer.
ID Code:129675
Deposited On:02 Dec 2022 06:11
Last Modified:06 Dec 2022 10:17

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