Predicting Critical Phases from Entanglement Dynamics in XXZ Alternating Chain

Agarwal, Keshav Das ; Lakkaraju, Leela Ganesh Chandra ; De, Aditi Sen (2021) Predicting Critical Phases from Entanglement Dynamics in XXZ Alternating Chain Physical Review A . ISSN 0031-899X (print); 1536-6065 (web)

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The quantum XXZ spin model with alternating bond strengths under magnetic field has a rich equilibrium phase diagram which includes Haldane, Luttinger liquid, singlet, and paramagnetic phases. We show that the nearest neighbor bipartite and multipartite entanglement can detect quantum critical lines and phases in this model. We determine a region in parameter space in which the dynamical states, starting from the ground state of the Haldane (dimer) phase can create highly multipartite entangled states for any time period, thereby establishing it as a potential candidate for the implementation of quantum information tasks. We also exhibit that if the initial and evolved states are in two different phases, the nonanalytic behavior of multipartite entanglement and the rate function based on Loschmidt echo can signal quantum phase transition happened at zero temperature. In a similar spirit, we report that from the product state, the patterns of block entanglement entropy of the evolved state with time can also infer the phase transition at equilibrium.

Item Type:Article
Keywords:Quantum Physics (quant-ph), Statistical Mechanics (cond-mat.stat-mech), Strongly Correlated Electrons (cond-mat.str-el), FOS: Physical sciences, FOS: Physical sciences
ID Code:125629
Deposited On:12 Oct 2022 07:04
Last Modified:12 Oct 2022 07:04

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