Eco-geomorphological approach for environmental flows assessment in monsoon-driven highland rivers: A case study of Upper Ganga, India

Tare, Vinod ; Gurjar, Suresh Kumar ; Mohanta, Haridas ; Kapoor, Vishal ; Modi, Ankit ; Mathur, R.P. ; Sinha, Rajiv (2017) Eco-geomorphological approach for environmental flows assessment in monsoon-driven highland rivers: A case study of Upper Ganga, India Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 13 . pp. 110-121. ISSN 2214-5818

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Environmental Flows (E-Flows) assessment in the upper stretches of the Ganga river has been carried out by integrating ecological and geomorphological parameters with hydraulic analysis to estimate the flow depths and flow volumes necessary for river ecology and channel maintenance. We have used a modified version of Building Block Method (BBM) for computing E-Flows for lean period, for monsoon period and for high floods based on the flow requirements of keystone species for different sites and geomorphic considerations. We define three flow depths, D1, D2 and D3 which correspond to the minimum flow depths required for sustenance of keystone species during lean period, for breeding and spawning of keystone species during monsoon period, and for maintaining lateral connectivity during floods respectively.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier B.V.
ID Code:119378
Deposited On:11 Jun 2021 06:21
Last Modified:11 Jun 2021 06:21

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