Toward building evidence for yoga

Gangadhar, BN (2014) Toward building evidence for yoga International Journal of Yoga, 7 (2). p. 87. ISSN 0973-6131

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Ayurveda and later the World Health Organization defined health that includes both physical and mental well-being. Ayurveda also brings in the spiritual dimension. Yoga as a lifestyle will allow us to enjoy the best of health as we transcend into better spiritual health. [1] Understandably, scientists who have developed tools to measure health have used the same tools to corroborate the role of Yoga. Positive effects of Yoga on health are endorsed by its illness-alleviation effects, Yoga therapy. If Yoga has to be prescribed for these roles, improvement in health or reduction of disease, present standards demand best evidence-base. Hence, the protagonists of Yoga have taken up the task of building evidence. Trials are conducted in healthy as well as diseased subjects examining the effects of Yoga. These effects encompass mere experiences of the subjects, assessments by researchers and laboratory tests. The latter include biochemical, physiological, neuroimaging and even genetic tests. The required research rigor such as randomization, blinding and using appropriate controls still remain a challenge in Yoga research. These make the evidence-building for Yoga an uphill task.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Wolters Kluwer - Medknow.
ID Code:118643
Deposited On:26 May 2021 11:53
Last Modified:26 May 2021 11:53

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