Fe3+-ensemble of triazole appended pentacenequinone derivative for “turn-on” detection of fluoride ions

Bhalla, Vandana ; Gupta, Ankush ; Kumar, Manoj (2013) Fe3+-ensemble of triazole appended pentacenequinone derivative for “turn-on” detection of fluoride ions Talanta, 105 . pp. 152-157. ISSN 0039-9140

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Triazole appended pentacenequinone derivative 6 has been synthesized by Suzuki–Miyaura coupling protocol. Compound 6 exhibits selective response towards Fe3+ ions. Interestingly 6.Fe3+ ensemble exhibits “turn-on” response towards fluoride ions and thus, makes the 6.Fe3+ ensemble a novel probe for the selective detection of fluoride ions. Further, derivative 6 coated test strip can detect traces of Fe3+ and F- ions and provide a simple, portable and low cost method for detection of Fe3+ and F- ions in aqueous solution.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier Science.
Keywords:Pentacenequinone; Chemosensor; Fluoride Sensor; Fe3+ ensemble
ID Code:113597
Deposited On:18 May 2018 08:54
Last Modified:18 May 2018 08:54

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