Studies on Tc-99m-labeled liver ferritin: Hepatobiliary behavior in rats: Concise communication

Nadkarni, Ganeshsunder D. ; Noronha, Oliver P. D. ; Sewatkar, Arun B. ; Deshpande, Usha R. ; Ganatra, Ramanik D. (1980) Studies on Tc-99m-labeled liver ferritin: Hepatobiliary behavior in rats: Concise communication The Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 21 (12). pp. 1177-1179. ISSN 0161-5505

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Ferritin was isolated from the livers of iron-loaded rats and labeled with Tc-99m. The radionuclide was found to be firmly bound to ferritin and essentially free of colloids. When injected into rats, about 65% of administered dose was found to be concentrated in the liver within 30 min. The blood activity declined rapidly. Liver activity appeared to be excreted slowly through the hepatobiliary route, though there was 5 to 9% constant excretion through the kidneys. The results suggest that this labeled protein may prove useful as a hepatobiliary radiopharmaceutical.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to The Society of Nuclear Medicine.
ID Code:11234
Deposited On:09 Nov 2010 03:45
Last Modified:16 May 2016 20:42

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