Large|Ue3|and tribimaximal mixing

Goswami, Srubabati ; Petcov, Serguey T. ; Ray, Shamayita ; Rodejohann, Werner (2009) Large|Ue3|and tribimaximal mixing Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology, 80 (5). Article ID 053013. ISSN 2470-0010

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We investigate in a model-independent way to what extent one can perturb tribimaximal mixing in order to generate a sizable value of |Ue3|, while at the same time keeping solar neutrino mixing near its measured value, which is close to sin 2θ12 = 13. Three straightforward breaking mechanisms to generate |Ue3≃ 0.1 are considered. For charged lepton corrections, the suppression of a sizable contribution to sin 2θ12 can be achieved if CP violation in neutrino oscillations is almost maximal. Generation of the indicated value of |Ue3|≃0.1 through renormalization group corrections requires the neutrinos to be quasidegenerate in mass. The consistency with the allowed range of sin 2θ12 together with large running of |Ue3| forces one of the Majorana phases to be close to π. This implies large cancellations in the effective Majorana mass governing neutrinoless double beta ((ββ)) decay, constraining it to lie near its minimum allowed value of m0cos 2θ12, where m0 ≳ 0.1  eV. Finally, explicit breaking of the neutrino mass matrix in the inverted hierarchical and quasidegenerate neutrino mass spectrum cases is similarly correlated with the (ββ)-decay effective Majorana mass, although to a lesser extent. The implied values for the atmospheric neutrino mixing angle θ23 are given in all cases.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to American Physical Society.
ID Code:108875
Deposited On:01 Feb 2018 04:48
Last Modified:01 Feb 2018 04:48

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