Photometric study of distant open clusters in the second quadrant: NGC 7245, King 9, King 13 and IC 166

Subramaniam, Annapurni ; Bhatt, Bhuwan Chandra (2007) Photometric study of distant open clusters in the second quadrant: NGC 7245, King 9, King 13 and IC 166 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 377 (2). pp. 829-834. ISSN 0035-8711

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We present a UBV CCD photometric study of four open clusters, NGC 7245, King 9, IC 166 and King 13, located between l= 90° and 135°. All are embedded in a rich Galactic field. NGC 7245 and King 9 are close together in the sky and have similar reddenings. The distances and ages are: NGC 7245, 3.8 ± 0.35 kpc and 400 Myr; King 9 (the most distant cluster in this quadrant), 7.9 ± 1.1 kpc and 3.0 Gyr. King 13 is 3.1 ± 0.3 kpc distant and 300 Myr old. King 9 and IC 166 (4.8 ± 0.5 kpc distant and 1 Gyr old) may be metal-poor clusters (Z = 0.008), as estimated from isochrone fitting. The average value of the distance of young clusters from the Galactic plane in the above longitude range and beyond 2 kpc (−47 ± 16 pc, for 64 clusters) indicates that the young disc bends towards the southern latitudes.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Royal Astronomical Society.
Keywords:Open Clusters and Associations: Individual: NGC 7245; Open Clusters and Associations: Individual: King 9; Open Clusters and Associations: Individual: King 13; Open Clusters and Associations: Individual: IC 166
ID Code:106482
Deposited On:01 Feb 2018 12:02
Last Modified:01 Feb 2018 12:02

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