Disorder-induced two-step melting of vortex matter in Co-intercalated NbSe2 single crystals

Ganguli, Somesh Chandra ; Singh, Harkirat ; Roy, Indranil ; Bagwe, Vivas ; Bala, Dibyendu ; Thamizhavel, Arumugam ; Raychaudhuri, Pratap (2016) Disorder-induced two-step melting of vortex matter in Co-intercalated NbSe2 single crystals Physical Review B, 93 (14). p. 144503. ISSN 2469-9950

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Disorder-induced melting where the increase in positional entropy created by random pinning sites drives the order-disorder transition in a periodic solid provides an alternate route to the more conventional thermal melting. Here, using real-space imaging of the vortex lattice through scanning tunneling spectroscopy, we show that, in the presence of weak pinning, the vortex lattice in a type-II superconductor disorders through two distinct topological transitions. Across each transition, we separately identify metastable states formed through superheating of the low-temperature state or supercooling of the high-temperature state. Comparing crystals with different levels of pinning we conclude that the two-step melting is fundamentally associated with the presence of random pinning which generates topological defects in the ordered vortex lattice.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to American Physical Society.
ID Code:105214
Deposited On:25 Dec 2017 12:11
Last Modified:25 Dec 2017 12:11

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