Large linear magnetoresistance in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure

Aamir, Mohammed Ali ; Goswami, Srijit ; Baenninger, Matthias ; Tripathi, Vikram ; Peppe, Michael ; Farrer, Ian ; Ritchie, David A. ; Arindam Ghosh, Arindam (2013) Large linear magnetoresistance in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure In: Proceedings of the Conference of Physics of Semiconductors, July 29 –August 3, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland.

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We report non-saturating linear Magneto Resistance (MR) in a Two-Dimensional Electron System (2DES) at a GaAs/AlGaAs heterointerface in the strongly insulating regime. We achieve this by driving the gate voltage below the pinch-off point of the device and operating it in the non-equilibrium regime with high source-drain bias. Remarkably, the magnitude of MR is as large as 500% per Tesla with respect to resistance at zero magnetic field, thus dwarfing most non-magnetic materials which exhibit this linearity. Its primary advantage over most other materials is that both linearity and the enormous magnitude are retained over a broad temperature range (0.3 K to 10 K), thus making it an attractive candidate for cryogenic sensor applications.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to AIP Publishing LLC.
ID Code:101519
Deposited On:01 Feb 2018 10:04
Last Modified:01 Feb 2018 10:04

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