Reentrant superconductivity in HoNi 5 -NbN-HoNi 5 nanostructures

Singh, Gyanendra ; Joshi, P. C. ; Hossain, Z. ; Budhani, R. C. (2013) Reentrant superconductivity in HoNi 5 -NbN-HoNi 5 nanostructures EPL: Europhysics Letters, 103 (4). p. 47013. ISSN 0295-5075

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Superconductivity (S) and ferromagnetism (F) are probed through transport and magnetization measurements in nanometer scale HoNi5-NbN (F-S) bilayers and HoNi5-NbN-HoNi5 (F-S-F) trilayers. The choice of materials has been made on the basis of their comparable ordering temperatures and strong magnetic anisotropy in HoNi5. We observe the normal state reentrant behavior in resistance vs. temperature plots of the F-S-F structures just below the superconducting transition in the limited range of HoNi5 layer thickness dHN ($20\ \text{nm}<d_{HN}<80\ \text{nm}$ ) when $d_{\textit{NbN}}$ is fixed at${}\simeq 10\ \text{nm}$ . The reentrance is quenched by increasing the out-of-plane ($H_{\perp}$ ) magnetic field and transport current where as in-plane ($H_{\parallel}$ ) field of $\leq 1500\ \text{Oe}$ has no effect on the reentrance. The origin of the reentrant behavior seen here in the range $T_{\textit{Curie}}/T_C \leq 0.92$ is attributed to a delicate balance between the magnetic exchange energy and the condensation energy in the interfacial regions of the trilayer.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to EDP Sciences.
ID Code:135108
Deposited On:19 Jan 2023 05:14
Last Modified:19 Jan 2023 06:09

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