Forebrain-specific calcineurin knockout selectively impairs bidirectional synaptic plasticity and working/episodic memory

Zeng, Hongkui ; Chattarji, Sumantra ; Barbarosie, Michaela ; Rondi-Reig, Laure ; Philpot, Benjamin D. ; Miyakawa, Tsuyoshi ; Bear, Mark F. ; Tonegawa, Susumu (2001) Forebrain-specific calcineurin knockout selectively impairs bidirectional synaptic plasticity and working/episodic memory Cell, 107 (5). pp. 617-629. ISSN 0092-8674

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Calcineurin is a calcium-dependent protein phosphatase that has been implicated in various aspects of synaptic plasticity. By using conditional gene-targeting techniques, we created mice in which calcineurin activity is disrupted specifically in the adult forebrain. At hippocampal Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses, LTD was significantly diminished and there was a significant shift in the LTD/LTP modification threshold in mutant mice. Strikingly, although performance was normal in hippocampus-dependent reference memory tasks, including contextual fear conditioning and the Morris water maze, the mutant mice were impaired in hippocampus-dependent working and episodic-like memory tasks, including the delayed matching-to-place task and the radial maze task. Our results define a critical role for calcineurin in bidirectional synaptic plasticity and suggest a novel mechanistic distinction between working/episodic-like memory and reference memory.

Item Type:Article
Source:Copyright of this article belongs to Elsevier.
ID Code:100599
Deposited On:08 Dec 2016 09:47
Last Modified:08 Dec 2016 09:47

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